Business violations are the result of a business violating the activities posted on the Terms of Service and Business Code of Conduct page.
Sellix encourages users to report businesses that are in violation of Sellix's terms of service and/or local applicable law.
Once you've reported a business, our compliance team will investigate any and all claims within 24 hours and will work to deploy a resolution within 7 business days. As soon as our team has a decision, both you and the business will be notified of it.
Information before reporting
If you're reporting a business about a refund for a purchase you haven't received or for a scam, please review this article for more information.
If you're reporting a business about hosting content infringing on your copyright/intellectual property, please review this article for more information.
Report a business in violation of our policies
Use our report page, click here.
Fill out the required inputs on the form.
Use the correct report section, so our team can identify the content
Thoroughly detail the report in the field provided
Submit your report.
Who makes the final decisions?
We do not make these decisions lightly. Our compliance team is a group of Sellix staff members who have undergone extensive training to ensure platform concurrence, security, and integrity.
We've taken particular care to ensure that the compliance team includes individuals from a variety of backgrounds with a variety of life experiences that help make fair and informed decisions.