Note: For businesses based in the United States, we'll be launching state-specific settings for tax rates in the short future.
Location-based tax settings help both businesses and customers make optimal buying commitments by keeping tax decisions in mind.
To set up tax rates based on customer locations, follow these steps:
From your Sellix dashboard go to Settings > Tax.
Scroll down to the "Tax Customization" field.
Select the setting that fits your business.
Click save and you're set.
Predefined Tax Rates
For businesses with standard tax reporting requirements in the European Union, Sellix will automatically calculate and charge the tax rate to respective customers via their checkout location. If your customer is purchasing a product from Italy, they will be charged a 22.00% tax rate whereas a customer from France would be charged 20.00%.
Sellix does not support predefined tax rates for countries outside of the European Union. This includes the United Kingdom.
When you toggle the predefined tax setting, you will not be able to customize or otherwise change the percentage for each country.
Custom Tax Rates
For businesses based in a country outside of the European Union, you can set tax rates for each specific country to comply with tax reporting standards through custom tax rates.
Note: We highly suggest setting a "standard" tax rate through the "Business VAT Percentage" field in the "Tax Details" section above.
To set a custom tax rate for a country, tap on the "Add More Countries" button and select the country and the tax rate.
Once you're set, click on "Save". You can continue to add more countries or save your entire tax settings to go live.
No Tax
For businesses with unique circumstances, Sellix does not require businesses to charge customers location-specific taxes. We highly encourage businesses to charge and remit taxes based on where they're located to comply with local laws.
Tip: Be sure to research a bit more about why you should and what happens if you don't as Sellix will not be liable for any damages.