Payment links allow you to send an invoice directly to your customer. This approach enables you to quickly generate invoices and receive online payments.
How it works
After sending a new payment link to your customer, he will be able to pay your invoice directly from the link you sent.
Generating payment links
To create a new payment link, simply visit your Payment Links page. Then, select one of the following payment link types:
Products - select the product your customer will pay for
Subscription - payment link will be used to start an online subscription
License - customer can purchase a new license from your storefront
Customers choose what to pay - your customer chooses the price
Now, fill in the payment link title and description. This information will be visible to your customer.
Depending on your payment link, the Call to Action button can be any of the following: Pay, Book, Donate or Subscribe.
If you need your customer's phone number or address to fulfil the payment link order, simply enable the Require customer address or Require customer phone options. Similarly, you can toggle whether the discount codes can be applied to this invoice.
After clicking the Create Link button, a new payment link will be generated. You can share this payment link with your customer and accept his payment directly. Payment links can be edited, paused or removed at any time.