This article will guide you through how to properly configure our Telegram Bot to enable the Telegram Notifications to your Groups and Channels
Add the bot to your group
The integrations is as easy as it gets:
Add the BOT to your Group/Channel
Send your Telegram Code inside the Group/Channel
How to get started
Add the @SellixMerchantBot to your group and be sure to set admin permissions to it
Then, send your telegram code to the group, keep in mind that the Telegram Code might change each time you use it, be sure to refresh the page to get the latest code available.
This action might take up to 60 seconds to complete, the Bot will not answer immediately.
That's it
Now you can go to the notifications page, select your Group ID and you're done! Notifications will be delivered instantly to that group.
Need help?
Do not hesitate to reach out to us through